Available courses

B-OK Tool
A new tool for communication on HIV treatment adherence, viral suppression and 'Undetectable equals Untransmittable' (U=U).
HIV Self-Screening

The HIVSS training is aimed at building the capacity of participants to implement HIV Self-Screening. The modules are designed to reach implementors and decision makers in various public and private sector settings to gain an understanding on how to target and reach priority populations for HIV Self- Screening. This training covers the background of the HIV testing, HIVSS models, data capturing and management.

Index Testing Modality Training

Index testing, also referred to as partner testing/partner notification services, is an approach whereby the exposed contacts (i.e., sexual partners, biological children and anyone with whom a needle was shared) of an HIV-positive person (i.e., index client), are elicited and offered HIV testing services. 

In this context, index testing refers to any HIV testing of the contacts of an index client (i.e., a person known to be HIV positive). 

Source: https://indicatorregistry.unaids.org/

Introduction to Quality Improvement

This course is designed to be interactive and will integrate the National Department of Health Operation Phuthuma Nerve Centre approach tools. 

The Operation Phuthuma Nerve Centre approach is aimed at centralising all the HIV programme interventions. Throughout this module, reference will be made to the OP nerve centre approach methods and approaches, to integrate all improvement work. The OP approach should therefore not be seen as an isolated process in health systems improvement. 


PEPFAR recommends training providers to identify violence in a clinical context and provide first-line support. The training is based on a World Health Organization (WHO) initiative called LIVES (Listen, Inquire, Validate, Enhance safety, and Support).

Source: https://www.cdc.gov/globalhealth/stories/2020/cdc-training-helps-healthcare-providers.html

Recency testing is HIV testing that can diagnose HIV infection and distinguish recent from long-term infection. 

A recent infection is acquired approximately within the past 12 months.